Металлические лестницы – 135 лучших фото-идей дизайна лестницы на второй этаж в частном доме
Sellwood ADU
Straight Line Design and RemodelingOur clients were looking to build an income property for use as a short term rental in their backyard. In order to keep maximize the available space on a limited footprint, we designed the ADU around a spiral staircase leading up to the loft bedroom. The vaulted ceiling gives the small space a much larger appearance.
To provide privacy for both the renters and the homeowners, the ADU was set apart from the house with its own private entrance.
The design of the ADU was done with local Pacific Northwest aesthetics in mind, including green exterior paint and a mixture of woodgrain and metal fixtures for the interior.
Durability was a major concern for the homeowners. In order to minimize potential damages from renters, we selected quartz countertops and waterproof flooring. We also used a high-quality interior paint that will stand the test of time and clean easily. The end result of this project was exactly what the client was hoping for, and the rental consistently receives 5-star reviews on Airbnb.
Wagner Place
Carlton EdwardsLocated in a historic building once used as a warehouse. The 12,000 square foot residential conversion is designed to support the historical with the modern. The living areas and roof fabrication were intended to allow for a seamless shift between indoor and outdoor. The exterior view opens for a grand scene over the Mississippi River and the Memphis skyline. The primary objective of the plan was to unite the different spaces in a meaningful way; from the custom designed lower level wine room, to the entry foyer, to the two-story library and mezzanine. These elements are orchestrated around a bright white central atrium and staircase, an ideal backdrop to the client’s evolving art collection.
Greg Boudouin, Interiors
Alyssa Rosenheck: Photos
Ben’s Barn — Custom Staircase
Woodhull of MaineThe recovered salvaged wood accents lend a hint of the rustic to this modern barn home.
На фото: угловая металлическая лестница в стиле кантри с деревянными ступенями и деревянными перилами с
5,100 Sq. Ft. Modern Farmhouse Showcase Home
Wendy O’Brien Interior Planning & DesignThis beautiful showcase home offers a blend of crisp, uncomplicated modern lines and a touch of farmhouse architectural details. The 5,100 square feet single level home with 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths with a large vaulted bonus room over the garage is delightfully welcoming.
For more photos of this project visit our website: https://wendyobrienid.com.
Contemporary Mountain Chalet
Andrea Schumacher InteriorsA mountain home with a nod to 12th-century French architecture. Inspired by natures muted palette with an occasional pop of blue, the color of the Colorado sky. Softer colors in more rugged, family-friendly fabrics and finishes, paired with natural elements.
Photographed by: Emily Minton Redfield
DFN | Duplex with a garden
PLUS ULTRA studio© Alberto Canepa
Свежая идея для дизайна: прямая металлическая лестница в скандинавском стиле с металлическими ступенями — отличное фото интерьера
Meat Packing Duplex
Axis MundiPacking a lot of function into a small space requires ingenuity and skill, exactly what was needed for this one-bedroom gut in the Meatpacking District. When Axis Mundi was done, all that remained was the expansive arched window. Now one enters onto a pristine white-walled loft warmed by new zebrano plank floors. A new powder room and kitchen are at right. On the left, the lean profile of a folded steel stair cantilevered off the wall allows access to the bedroom above without eating up valuable floor space. Beyond, a living room basks in ample natural light. To allow that light to penetrate to the darkest corners of the bedroom, while also affording the owner privacy, the façade of the master bath, as well as the railing at the edge of the mezzanine space, are sandblasted glass. Finally, colorful furnishings, accessories and photography animate the simply articulated architectural envelope.
Project Team: John Beckmann, Nick Messerlian and Richard Rosenbloom
Photographer: Mikiko Kikuyama
© Axis Mundi Design LLC
Steel Stair
Perimeter ArchitectsПример оригинального дизайна: большая п-образная металлическая лестница в стиле модернизм с металлическими ступенями
Hampton Stair
Iron & Wire LLCDavid Greene / Iron & Wire LLC
На фото: прямая металлическая лестница среднего размера в современном стиле с металлическими ступенями с
Los Osos-Home Addition
Custom Matte black steel staircase with stained red oak.
На фото: винтовая металлическая лестница в стиле фьюжн с деревянными ступенями и перилами из смешанных материалов
Attico S+T — 150 mq
HOP! ArchIl vano scala è una scultura minimalista in cui coesistono ferro, vetro e legno.
La luce lineare esalta il disegno orizzontale delle nicchie della libreria in cartongesso.
Il mobile sottoscala è frutto di un progetto e di una realizzazione sartoriale, che qualificano lo spazio a livello estetico e funzionale, consentendo l’utilizzo di uno spazio altrimenti morto.
Il parapetto in cristallo è una presenza discreta che completa e impreziosisce senza disturbare.
Open Plan Living — Renovation
Maxa ConstructionsThe original staircase was outdated. A change in the staircase has completely updated this home.
Katsanevas Residence
Steven Dailey ConstructionСтильный дизайн: большая п-образная металлическая лестница в современном стиле с деревянными ступенями и перилами из смешанных материалов — последний тренд
Showroom LS
numero10 ARCHITETTIFoto di Leonardo Iannelli
Свежая идея для дизайна: металлическая лестница в современном стиле с металлическими ступенями — отличное фото интерьера
Красные лестницы – 135 лучших фото-идей дизайна лестницы на второй этаж в частном доме
Skewed House
Studio LagomИдея дизайна: прямая лестница среднего размера в современном стиле с металлическими перилами
Classic Christmas Stairs
Lowe’s Home ImprovementShowcase your family’s stockings in a prominent location like this staircase.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большая угловая деревянная лестница в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с деревянными ступенями
Contemporary Staircase
Идея дизайна: угловая лестница в современном стиле с деревянными ступенями и перилами из смешанных материалов без подступенок
New Staircase to Newly Finished Attic, Verona NJ
CBH ArchitectsThis finished attic became the gathering hub for this growing family. The staircase was constructed to provide access, and large Palladian windows were installed at either end of the main home gable. Barnett Design Build construction; Sean Raneiri photography.
Stair Runner Landing Installation
The Stair Runner Store- StairRunnerStore.comStair Runner Installation with mitered and end-capped landings. End capping is a custom finish adding border to the runner end. All installations and fabrication work by John Hunyadi, The Stair Runner Store Oxford, CT
Please visit our site to learn about our custom runner services — shipped ready to install: https://www.
Bold Interiors
Design By Deborah LtdНа фото: лестница в стиле фьюжн с ступенями с ковровым покрытием, ковровыми подступенками и перилами из смешанных материалов с
Agoura Hills 2015
M&M StairsИдея дизайна: изогнутая лестница среднего размера в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с ступенями с ковровым покрытием и ковровыми подступенками
Guesthouse Barn
Port City Studio LtdJorgen Hansen, Chris Packus
Пример оригинального дизайна: большая прямая деревянная лестница в стиле кантри с деревянными ступенями
The Mardi Gras Cascade Pendant Chandelier
Moonshine LampИсточник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: винтовая лестница в стиле фьюжн
Hidden Cat Retreat
KellyUnder the staircase is a closet, which houses the cat pan and food bowl. .. hidden from guests and the curious dog. A special entrance was created for the cats to access their area. Photo by Kelly Feiock.
My Work
Thad’s Carpet One Floor & HomeRunner in Style is Tapiz color Boulder
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